Saturday, December 12, 2009

Latest Happenings

What's been up with me lately? The last of my old lands has been sold woohoo it's about time. We tried something different in Egypt about a month ago, caravan night. It went over pretty well in my opinion, but I was a bit too distracted in ims to remember to take any pictures. Had an rl friend visit and stay with me for a week so was very busy with that. And of course Champions Online keeps me busy and away from sl on a daily basis. As long as I'm writing here today I want to wish everyone a happy, whatever you celebrate in December.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Opening of the mouth.

Saturday over in Egypt we had the official Opening Of The Mouth ceremony at the temple. When the temple is complete and the Gods are actually invited to move in.

Late Post from last week

No I never got around to it, so here is last week's pics from Poppy's party. The theme was ... super heroes. The pic is from the very start of the party, before many people had arrived. You know me, if I don't the pic first thing when I get there, then I forget to do it at all after I'm actually talking and dancing.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Tiny Empires Prince

Well I finally made it to prince in the tiny empires kingdom of Independence! No I'm not going to reach for king, I enjoy it here in this kingdom so no need to move on to form my own. So this is it, my goal is achieved.

I want to thank all of Independence, for taking me in and making me feel at home after I was kicked out by my former liege. Yes this is going to sound like an Oscars speech :P so buckle down. My liege the ever lovely and sweet Shaki. My good friends Elwood, Cycat, and Shyanne. Plus my loyal and favorite subject little ShyShy as we all call her. And of course the dude himself, Mannix. And like I said before, all of Independece for their help, support, and great parties.

Also I would like to thank all the people who stood next to me at events and noticed I was in TE and passed me a land. All my friends at Macedon and Upper Kingdoms who put together events that I attended while having my hud minimized in the corner of the screen as I earned gold. My favorite DJ amd dance partner Poppy. And my fishing/shopping buddy Lee!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

My second second life Saturday At Poppy's dance.

Last night at Poppy's house we got together once again for a dance, this time at her new place. This week's theme was Camelot. And once again I got to spend the evening dancing with the ever enchanting Patty. And yes, she did play the knights of the round table song from Monthy Pythons.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Fun at Ms. Poppy's Dance

This is from last Saturday but it's been so hectic again this week that I'm only getting a chance to post it today. Great music, friendly company, and a terrific dance partner. *smiles warmly* What more could I ask for? In case you are wondering about the build and clothing, the theme was ... airship pirates.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Temple of Hera

It's been a crazy week so it's taken forever to get this up. But here it is. Some shots from the ceremony of the blessing of the new Temple to Hera in Macedon. Followed after by some dancing.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The new Magistrate of Ancient Egypt

In his infinite wisdom, The great Pharaoh Akhdjedfre has appointed non other then me, as the new Magistrate of Egypt. What Egypt you ask. The best one in SL. Upper Kingdoms of course!

Yes I know, some of you are asking, just what is a magistrate? With permission, I have copied bellow Medea Warwillow's information about it.

Magistrate at the head of the People, overseer of head, hoof, feather, scale and pleasure ponds: whose coming is awaited by the courtiers; to whom people tell their affairs; whose worth the lord of the two lands perceived, whom he set before the two shores.

Keeper of Silver and Gold, herdsmen of cattle and all kinds, master of secrets in the temples, overseer of all works in the Pharaoh's house...True Favorite of his lord, to whom all secrets are told.

Senior court official below the Pharaoh and his vizier.

The magistrate is to administer judgment in the courts according to the will of the Pharaoh. Holds authority and responsibility over the daily administration of bureaucracy in the Kingdom.

The exhibits' exhibit.

Here is a little memento shot from an exhibit I went to in Aether Salon the other day, about the 19th century world fairs. I was terribly lagged at the time, as usual, so I was unable to take more photos. I did intend to go back after and take a few shots of the posters and information on the walls. Sadly I was not able to make it back until the next day, and by then everything had been removed already. If you are interested in the Victorian era, and/or steam punk, this stuff is certainly recommended reading.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Hair today, gone tomorrow

Since my character has been spending a while in Egypt now, I decided it was finally time for him to get more acclimated. So after an evening of role playing a particularly bad infestation of lice, it was time for the hair to come off, much to the amusement of a certain High Priestess and a monkey.

Now, the question on everyone’s mind … will I be going around all of SL like this? NOOOOOOO!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

New me

A very sweet friend of mine decided it was time for a change, in my looks. And I agreed. So here it is, my new shape, skin, and eyes. I know I know, you can't see the eyes in the pic. The shape will be further tweaked as time goes on, except for the face.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

About the break up

Ok, so most of you know, nabila and I broke up last week. And as you probably already know, I'm not going to go into detail about it. I will copy what my SL profile currently says and leave it at that. Speaking of SL, lots of people have been asking me what I'm going to do about it. The honest answer is, I don't know. Right now I'm still in SL and taking things one day at a time. I have spent most of my time last week in the open beta for Champions Online. But that's closed now.

Copy of my SL profile below.
Just got out of a relationship with the one that was THE ONE. Though it was for her own good, she of course does not see it that way. I knew I was not the right one for her, and because I love her so much, I decided the best thing to do was to let her free to find her real right one.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Macedon King's Funeral (RP Event)

Before you get worried I believe this was only an RP event. I wanted to ask one of my friends there yesterday to make sure but he was pretty busy. Now, as far as I understand it, the player who used to play the King of Macedon has not logged in for a long time now. And so his character has been written as having passed away. This was not a memorial for a real life passing. If I find out otherwise I will of course correct this information.

My friends from my two favorite ancient times role playing places in SL were in attendance. The Upper Kingdom Egypt role players, and of course the people from the Macedon sim. I wish we could have met under happier circumstances though. Dirjha Summers took a few snapshots of the event and was kind enough to allow me to post them here. And so did my nabila. As you may know my computer is not that reliable once an area has more then 4 people. And if there are a couple of scripts running close by, forget about it.

Monday, August 3, 2009

String Theory

Over the weekend other then leveling up on CoV I was looking for something entertaining to watch to keep it from being too boring. I decided to look for the documentary I had seen on string theory a few years ago. Instead I found another tv show that takes on string theory. No it has nothing to do with music or stringed instruments lol. I'll try and keep this short. Basically when you take Einstein's general theory of relativity, and quantum mechanics, you find that they do not go well together. Even though both work well separately, you just can't combine them. So string theory is an attempt to do just that. Sadly this show wasn't the one I was trying to find. This one didn't do as a good a job going into the details. I'll keep searching for the other one though and when I find it I'll link to it here. Meanwhile if you would care to discuss string theory here please feel free.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Einstein's view of time VS free will.

I saw a program on the net the other day, about time. This is one of those scientific/philosophical subjects that really interests me. And I started thinking about Einstein’s view and free will. So I decided I would put my question up on my blog and see what YOU think of it. I’ll also include links to the actual video in case you want to watch it as well.

So the question is:
If Einstein's view of time was correct, verses quantum physics view of time. Then does that allow for free will? If all time, past present and future, has happened or is happening all at the same "time". Did you get to choose how things happened, or are you simply living through what is/has happened and simply observing it or are you being a part of it and actually interacting with what we perceive as being the present?

And here are the links to the video.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5

Monday, July 27, 2009

Done transfering

And thus ends the transferring of the things from flickr. So coming up next ... NEW THINGS.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Macedon Crown Blessing

Uploaded on Jul 12, 2009
These were taken at the lovely Crown Blessing ceremony tonight (July 12, 2009) in the Macedon sim. One of the ancient world role playing places I hang out at. After I got to hang around and party with some good friends. Since the turn out was so great, my computer wasn’t able to cope with so many people on screen at the same time. So on some of the pics you will see people in colorless clothing. Also I had to turn down my graphics settings so some things may appear blockier then they actually are.


Uploaded on June 24, 2009
This was taken at the Apollo Temple dedication last night in Macedon. June 23, 2009. This is one of the earliest photos I had taken while the priests and the Oracle were setting things up. Somehow show UI was checked, so all the other shots I have are covered with text.

Where Cookies Really Come From - by Eren Padar

Uploaded on May 30, 2009
I think this photo, taken by Eren Padar in SL speaks for itself. Yes, uploaded with permission.


Uploaded on May 30, 2009
This was taken at the glorious ceremony of the coronation of the new Pharaoh in the Upper Kingdoms sim. I was honored to be among those in the crowd who got to witness this historic event.

ElvenHearth Pie in the sky build (PG Area)

Uploaded on May 15, 2009
If you are a fan of creative builds, head over to the Elven lands at ElvenHearth. If you go to the main entry to the sim, there is an object to click on to get a tour note card, scroll to the bottom of that note card and get the location to the Pie in the Sky. It’s a skybox area made out of FOOD! It’s looks small in the picture above because I pulled the camera back to capture the entire area but there is enough room there to have a HUGE party for full grown avatars.

Moving from flickr

Some people were having trouble seeing the pictures I had put on flickr. So I'm moving them over here. The next couple of posts will simply be those pictures along with original date and their description.

Hello World

So basically this is just a test post. You get a cookie if you know what I'm referencing with "Hello World".
Hint: Think geek.